Ron and Wendy Green Pond House Mersea Island
Mermaid of Mersea launch May 2012
‘Mermaid’ moored near
Dabchicks Sailing Club
17th October 2012
Mersea Topics 2006-
To January 07 -
Mersea Topics a column in the 1970s in a local newspaper informed on local events forthcoming and past. It discussed issues of local interest. This page is intended as a sort of revival of this column and invites contributions on what is happening on the Island and what residents think about this.
please email if you would like to contribute.
Flower Beds Saved
Earlier this year Colchester Borough Council planned to save money by grassing over the flower beds on the Putting Green on Victoria Esplanade The good news was that West Mersea Town Council agreed to maintain them and they planted up with Geraniums. Next year, hopefully, they will look even better after offers were received for further local support
MIHS Autumn Show 16th September 2006
Although the number of visitors was disappointing Judge Roger Claydon was impressed with the high standard of Vegetable and Flower exhibits which contributed to a colourful display alongside
Fruit, Flower arrangements and Cakes and Preserves
Trophy winners were
Ernest Woods Challenge Cup most points in Show -
Usher Challenge Cup most points Vegetable classes Miss S Sawkins
Foord Challenge Cup most point Dahlia classes -
H Ponder Challenge Cup best exhibit Dahlia classes -
Burgess Challenge Cup best exhibit Chrysanthemums -
Lapwood Challenge Cup best exhibit Gladioli -
Society Challenge Cup most points Flower classes -
Mrs M Humphreys & Mrs W Green tied
Good to hear from you
We are getting more letters from far and wide asking for Ron’s help with family history and, where he can help he will reply as soon as possible
Our first message was from John Swallow who many will remember fondly as the Vicar at the Parish Church. He has suggested we might include more of the history of the churches, in particular St Peter and St Paul at West Mersea and St Edmund King and Martyr at East Mersea and was specially interested in mention of Digby’s Shop. We will endeavour include this along with more old pictures from Ron’s collection.
I have added pictures of East and West Mersea churches and the Wesleyan Chapel (Methodist Church). As my grandmother was organist at the the Union Church (Now Free Church) I hope to add that when I find a picture. Also I understand the Parish Church is in the process of producing their own web site so hopefully it will be possible to link to that soon for more information
Colchester Council’s Planning committee have agreed to the demolition of former Griffon Garage buildings to be demolished and granted permission for single storey building for a convenience store and 20 parking spaces. A number of restrictions were put on to protect local residents.
Mersea School Reunion
On the very hot Sunday 30th July, Sally Parkinson and some friends organised a school reunion for of pupils of Mersea School in the 1950s. Ron was invited along as a local historian and , of course, former Mersea
schoolboy (rather earlier than the 1950s) and was probably the oldest person there.
The event was well attended and the date was chosen mainly because Kathleen Chittenden (formerly Kay Quigley younger sister of Joy and Jane) was home from California, where she now lives , to attend her daughter’s wedding in Boxford.
There are a number of people who Ron meets around the Island to just say ‘hello’ (or maybe ‘Yo’) but rarely to have a proper chat. On this occasion he was pleased to have a yarn with Norman Priestley and was interested to learn they had both been born in the same pair of Council houses in Barfield Road, Norman in number 5 and Ron and his brother John in number 6. This pair of houses have long since been demolished. As so often happens on such occasions, there were several others he would have liked to have spent more time with, but, as Sally is hoping to organise a similar get together next year he may get another opportunity then.
Congratulations Eric on organising a splendid carnival celebrating the Queen’s 80th Party and well done all those
Grass Snake -
Since we spotted the grass snake in the front garden in July, there have been several reported sightings in the neighbourhood. Sadly the last report was of a dead snake found nearby with puncture wounds. Quite how it died or if indeed there has been just the one we don’t know
Doug Powell awarded OBE
Doug Powell received and OBE in the Queen’s New Year Honours list, for services to young people. His lifetime of youth work began when he was 15 years old, by organising events in the Scottish Town where he lived, because it had no cinema. At one stage, he collected a petition of 7000 signatures to persuade the local council to allow use of a hall for weekly youth club. After 30 years at East Mersea Youth Camp (now ‘Mersea Outdoors’) it has grown from a temporary camp to a thriving activities centre.
Packing Shed
A potted history of the Packing Shed , written by Bill Norman of the Packing Shed Trust, can be found in the latest Mersea Island Courier. The shed was restored in the early 1990s, leased from the Tollesbury and Mersea Oyster company, together with the whole of the island. Doug Powell was much involved in the restoration. A fund has been set up to raise money to deposit material to stabilise the Island which is washing away.
‘Donate £10 per tonne’
Is the slogan and donations are being collected at Marfleet Lettings, 49 High Street, West Mersea.
A major fund raising event is being held at Portofino restaurant on 17th March which it is hoped will raise thousands of pounds
Packing Shed circa Water colour Packing Shed RAG 2006